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Family Perspective

International Day of families 2024 & 30th anniversary of the international year

Publicado miércoles 15 de mayo


Some of the more than 100 participants in the observance event, which included representatives from NGOs, academics and lawmakers from all over the world who have been involved in the preparations of the Anniversary. It featured the launch of two publications, presentations on the outcomes of regional meetings and civil society initiatives, like the Civil Society Declaration, recommendations on family policies for climate action, and an interactive discussion.


Moderator & introductory remarks
Masumi Ono
Chief, Social Integration & Participation Branch, UN Division for Inclusive Social Development, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DISD)

Launch of Publications

M. Gamal Abdelemonem
Chair in Architecture & Founding Director of Research,
University of York, United Kingdom
Home, Family and Climate Change: Understanding the Power of Home to Transform Societies in the Face of Climate Emergency

Renata Kaczmarska & Chista Behbin Guirand
UN Division for Inclusive Social Development, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DISD)
Main Findings and Recommendations of the DESA Background Paper on Climate Change and Families

Regional Expert Group Meetings, Symposiums, Awareness-Raising Events & National and Local Good Practices & Initiatives

Irwan Nadzif bin Mahpul
Researcher at the Population and Family Research Division, National Population & Family Development Board, Malaysia
The Development of Family Wellbeing Index : Malaysia Experience
EGM on Interlinkages between Migration, Urbanization, New Technologies, Demographic Trends and Climate Change in Asia

Sharifa Al-Emadi
Executive Director, Doha International Family Institute (DIFI)
EGM on Technological Change and the Family in the Arab Region
EGM on Demographic Change & Family Wellbeing in Africa
International Conference on Family and Contemporary Megatrends

Ignacio Socias
Director of International Relations, International Federation for Family Development (IFFD)
EGM on Population Ageing and Family Wellbeing in Europe
Event at the European Parliament on the Impact of Climate Anxiety on Family
Understanding the Controversy on the Decline in Fertility and the Future Evolution of it

Vivian Lou Weigun
Professor, University of Hong Kong and Representative of the Consortium of Family Institutes in Asia (CIFA)
EGM on Demographic Changes & Ageing of Population in Asia

Juan Antonio López Baljarg
Director General, Instituto de Análisis de Política Familiar (IAPF, Mexico)
EGM on Megatrends and Families: Focus on Demographic Change in Latin America

Donna Butts
Executive Director, Generations United (United States)
Symposium on Changing Demographics Can Result in Strengthening Families

Dominic Richardson
Managing Director, Learning for Wellbeing Institute (Netherlands)
EGM on Parenting, Caregiving, Work-family Balance and Family Policies

Roberto Ciambetti
President, Regional Council of Veneto Region (Italy)
Family Policies and the Impact of Climate Change

Diosdado Marasigan
President, Educhild Foundation (Philippines)
Parenting Education Initiatives
2024 IFFD World Congress in Cebu

Civil Society Declaration

Alex Vazquez
Representative to the UN & Strategic Partnerships Coordinator, International Federation for Family Development (IFFD)

Madeleine Wallin
Secretary General, European Federation of Parents and Carers at Home (FEFAF)
Unpaid Care and Domestic Work and Early Childhood Development

Regina Maroncelli Florio
President, European Large Families Confederation (ELFAC)
New Technologies & the Wellbeing of Families at Home, at Work and in the Community